31 rue du Pont Colbert 78000 Versailles office.saintmarksversailles@gmail.com

Welcome to St Mark’s Versailles !

WELCOME to St Mark’s Versailles. We are an English-speaking, international Anglican community situated on the outskirts of Versailles to the south-west of Paris.  

BIENVENUE à l’église St Mark de Versailles, communauté internationale basée au sud-ouest de Paris. Nous serions très heureux de vous accueillir, que vous soyez de passage à Versailles ou bien, installé(e) dans la région.

St Mark’s is a mix of people of many nationalities, denominations, languages and ages, united by God’s love for each of us. We welcome people of all kinds of Christian backgrounds, or none.  Our daughter church at St Paul’s in Gif sur Yvette is a smaller, local Anglican community. 

Our main service at St Mark’s takes place at 10:30 am on Sundays, and is also online via Zoom. Services at St Paul’s are held every Sunday at 5.30 pm.

To join our physical meetings either at St Mark’s or St Paul’s  – see events page for details of meetings.

Click on the relevant event link on this page (or in the events tab) for details on how to join online. 

Missed last week’s service? Click here to listen to the sermon.

See the Contact page for details of how to find us.

Click here to sign up for our mailing list

St Mark’s Church, Versailles

KEY CONTACTS (click to e-mail)

Church Office

Chaplain: current locum, Tim Wright

Churchwarden: Geoff Sockett

Churchwarden: Alan Kendall

Safeguarding Officer: Sophie Manson

The Anglican diocese in Europe has a confidential reporting telephone line. For all enquiries of a safeguarding nature, please call: +44 207 898 1163 

Vous pouvez également utiliser le service “allo enfance en danger” mis en place par le gouvernement français : 119 (allo119.gouv.fr)

For further information, please see our safeguarding page