31 rue du Pont Colbert 78000 Versailles office.saintmarksversailles@gmail.com

Join a home group

We have a number of small groups which take place during the week. These meet to pray, study the Bible, or simply chat. During lockdown (and maybe at other times) the groups meet online, for example by Zoom or Skype. The current groups are:

Monday 1800-1900 (Versailles homegroup) Contact Elizabeth Harper
Monday 2045-2200 (Western Homegroup) Contact Geoff Sockett
Tuesday 2030-2130 (Oriental homegroup) Contact Paul Simmons at paulofsaintmarksversailles@gmail.com
Thursday 1900-2015 (Gif homegroup) Contact Gareth Lewis
Friday 1400-1600 (Women’s group) contact Pamela Chiodi

All times CET (time in France).

If you would like to find out more about a group, or would like to join one, you can contact the office (e-mail address on front page) or the contact person above.

If you would like to help out in with church work, in practical ways or in church services, there are plenty of ways to do this – contact the church office.