31 rue du Pont Colbert 78000 Versailles office.saintmarksversailles@gmail.com

From 6th August : Graham and Ruth Hadfield

Graham and Ruth Hadfield will be leading services over the next six weeks, from 6th August.

For more details, see the St Mark’s weekly email bulletin.


2nd July : Church Family Lunch and celebration of Dale’s Ministry

There will be a church family lunch after the morning service at St Mark’s, with a visit from the Bishop, in celebration of Dale’s 39 years of ministry in the Church of England.

EGM after the morning service – Sunday 11 June

The EGM will debate some proposed changes to the StMark’s Church 1905 Association statutes.

Annual General Meeting of St Mark’s with St Paul’s

12pm on the 21st May, after the morning service at St Mark’s

EASTER SUNDAY – APRIL 9th – Bring and share lunch

We will have a ‘Bring and Share’ Lunch together after our morning Holy Communion at St Mark’s, and an Easter Egg Hunt if you are young enough!
Do try to join in this special time.  All welcome…if it’s your first time at St Mark’s, or if you haven’t been to church in a while, come and experience Easter Day with us !

Discipleship Explored starts on Monday 16th January

STARTING Monday 16 January – SIGN UP NOW…
This eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians is ideal for believers at any stage of the Christian life. It features brand-new documentary-style films and inspiring real-life stories from around the world, Bible studies and weekly reading plans.
This is a brilliant course and has something for everyone whether you have been a Christian for years or are just beginning your journey.
The course will run on eight Monday evenings at 20.00 starting on Monday 16 Jan.  It will take place over Zoom and sessions will end by 21.30.

To sign-up for this course, contact: office.saintmarksversailles@gmail.com

Giving help to those harmed by the conflict in Ukraine…

The Diocese in Europe and USPG have launched a joint appeal to help all those harmed by the war in Ukraine in and beyond Ukraine itself.  Money will be channelled through our Churches and partner agencies both now and in the longer term.  If you can give please do so here :


11th December : St Mark’s Carol Service

Join us at 5.30pm at St Mark’s and enjoy our choir welcoming in Christmas. With mince pies afterwards…

Act of Remembrance at St Mark’s on 13th November

On-site and via Zoom.

See the calendar “Events” for the Zoom link.